Our Services

How We Can Help You?

We believe in making a difference. Your experiences are what make you YOU and they have the power to change many lives! 

Let us help change your life and give you the answers to life's questions. 

  • Thinking About Writing

  • Ready To Write?

  • Ready To Publish?

  • Need A Ghostwriter?

We Are Here To Help

We know you have stories inside of you ready to be told and we are ready to help get those stories out into the world.

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Thinking About Writing?

If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it -Toni Morrison

I like to see writing books like watching a good movie – my mind is the screen.

If you see ideas that can be expounded upon or envision thoughts being played out, then possibly you have a book inside you that needs to come to fruition.

Want to know if writing is for you, then answer the questions below.

If you answer “yes” to any of the responses, then there is a strong possibility that writing is for you.

1. I really have something to say that is worth hearing.
2. I think my life’s story can be a legacy for generations to come.
3. I think my life’s experiences can help someone else.
4. I can use another stream of income.
5. I believe that writing my story will have an impact on my own life.

If you answered yes, then click the button below to join our email list and receive tips and motivation on your writing journey.

Ready To Write?

I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn. - Anne Frank

Now that you have come to the realization that you have something to say that is book-worthy, you are ready to write.

Writing helps you gain perspective and value about what really matters in your own life. You have authority and power when you put pen to paper.

Ready to Write TIPs:
1. Writing drives you.
2. Writing comes easy.
3. Writing is a form of freedom for you.
4. Writing is motivational.
5. Writing helps you collect your thoughts.
6. Writing is your preferred form of communication.
7. Writing gives you perspective.

Here are some writing do's and don'ts to get you started.

After you read them, go ahead and grab our Writing Launchpad to help you begin.

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Do’s and Don’ts for Writing


  • Do write down every thought or idea
  • Do organize when you are ready
  • Do allow others to read what you wrote
  • Do express all that is in you
  • Do see the finished product
  • Do pace yourself


  • Don't overthink it
  • Don't try to be a perfectionist
  • Don't get stuck - just write
  • Don't do everything at once; pace yourself
  • Don't get overwhelmed
  • Don't pressure yourself -  just write

Are You Ready to Publish?

Reading a good book is like finding freedom; it releases you, then gives you relief.- Dr. Gwendolyn Lewis Johnson

A word after a word after a word is power - Margaret Atwood

Publishing is when others are ready to read your final product. A few things must be in place before you release your gift- your book.

Knowing that you are ready for publishing is as important as having the vision. It is the last push before your dream comes to fruition. The hard work has been done; now it is time to show it.

Publishing Checklist

I have read and re-read for errors.
I have allowed someone else to read my work.
I have an idea of a cover.
I can sum up my book in a brief summary to get the readers' attention.
I have already written my bio (information to introduce myself to the public).
I have included all portions that my book needs.
I have done my research on self-publishing or publication companies.
I have checked one last time for errors.
I have made connections with other authors for questions that I might have.
I have saved money for publishing and promoting my book.

Considering Ghost Writing?

A room without books is a body without a soul.- Marcus Tullius Cicero

Ghostwriting is simply what it suggests: someone writing your story behind the scene. This is an opportunity to trust someone to be your voice.

Interview a person that you are interested in writing for you. With this process, you are communicating often with your writer.

The writer should write in your voice, which means using words or phrases that reflect you. Details. Details. Details.

You may prefer a ghostwriter if you agree with the following statements:

  1. I do not have the time to write.
  2. I am not a professional writer.
  3. I prefer to write anonymously.
  4. I can trust someone else to tell my story.
  5. I am a better communicator than a writer.

If you are considering using a ghostwriter to share your story, click the button below and allow Writeous Publishing to assist you in making your dream a reality.

writeous publishing ghostwriter

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There Is A Story In Every Pen... Writing Is The Way To Express It.

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